

Buy & own REAL living, breathing, farm assets which are nurtured by farmers and then sold for guaranteed profits.


How it works?

Investment is a simple way to help anyone buy & own real profit-earning assets, helping farmers grow and maintain assets until ready for market.



  1. You buy the young asset (livestock or plant-based) from the farmer, through Ghazee Offal Supply.
  2. The asset grows in the farmers care.
  3. The farmer buys back the fully grown asset at harvest time for a profit!
Unique Investors
R 0 Million
R 0 Million
In Profit

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can invest from anywhere in the world, as long as you are able to transact using the available payment methods on our platform and have a bank account into which withdrawn dividends can be paid out when the time arises. We accept Credit Card, EFT and Direct Bank Transfer.

Yes, the profits we advertise are guaranteed as the assets are insured by the farmer

In the event that something happens to your asset, it will be replaced at no extra charge.

At the end of the term, you no longer own the asset as the farmer has bought it back from you. You can choose to reinvest in another asset or collect your return, paid out into your bank account.

Real Impact

Your investment helps create jobs and enables the farmers to produce healthy food while creating shared wealth.

Great returns

The returns on farming are competitive compared to conventional investment options. Re-investing these returns, compounds your earnings.

Tangible assets

You are investing in living, breathing livestock and growing crops, not invisible shares. These types of assets are always in demand.




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